
We know there are those individuals who thrive on the details. For those, we have provided a list of resources that include pdf files on the various systems offered by the Louisville Top Choice Roofing team.

Membrane Coating System – Suitable for TPO, PVC, EPDM membranes. The Membrane Coating System extends the life of your single-ply membrane system, by protecting it from damaging UV rays and improves overall performance.

Single-Ply Membrane Systems – Offering both TPO and PVC options, the benefits of single-ply systems, along with an overview of the installation process is provided. Special information on Flexion®,  OuTPOst® and Duro-Last products.

Cool Roof Systems – Save money on cooling costs with cool roof technology. By reflecting solar heat away from the roof, the interior of your building stays cooler, reducing HVAC demand and costs. Your employees and customers alike will thank you.

Fabric Reinforced Roofing Systems – A fabric reinforced roofing system combines leak-free protection with exceptional energy savings. The use of fabric to protect seams from leak development, while the coating offers unbeatable reflectivity and reduced cooling costs.

Metal Roof Restoration Systems – A metal roof is awesome! Keep it that way longer with a metal roof restoration. Removes and protects from rust development, seals leaks and connectors, while improving energy efficiency.

Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Roofing Systems – With an insulative R-value of 6.3 per inch, SPF roofing systems are the pinnacle of thermal stability. Keeping you cool in summer and warm in winter, an SPF roofing system is a cost-effective system for both durability and cost-savings.