Insurance Claims Assistance

When you have a loss due to a weather-related event, falling debris, or any other potentially insurance-related situation, filing that claim may seem like more work than it is worth.

Insurance claims are complicated, tedious, and stressful!  Let our insurance claims experts work with you to get it handled expeditiously.

Whether you are a building owner, or a property manager, you have better things to do. As commercial roofing experts, we have worked with hundreds of insurance claims and know the best way to get them approved for maximum pay-out.

How We Assist

We will leave the paperwork to you, but there are other ways we assist with the process:

Thorough Inspection – We won’t just walk around and look at the roof, we fully inspect all the components, including areas like flashings and gutters to check for damage.  We also look for the symptoms of underlying damage that may not be visible to the naked eye.  Small pockmarks in your membrane?  How do you know if the underlayment is intact? We will evaluate those underlying issues as well.

Documentation – As part of our inspection process, we thoroughly document every bit of damage identified, including the use of pictures and thermal imaging, where appropriate. This documentation is a key component in the success of your claim.

Additionally, our report comes with the information you will need as part of your claim filing. Recommendations, including written estimates, are a normal part of our roof inspection process.

Adjuster – When the adjuster is scheduled to inspect your roof, we will meet with them and physically show them the damage as well as answer any questions they may have. This single step has been known to save a claim from denial.

Repair/Replacement – Once the claim is approved, we will implement the approved remedies to your damaged roof, ensuring all repairs or replacement is installed properly and using only the highest quality materials.

Finishing Touches

Your insurance claim isn’t done until the area is cleaned up fully and you understand your warranty in detail. The only evidence left of your insurance repair or replacement claim should be a beautiful roof, able to once again provide the protection your building deserves.

For an inspection to determine if your roof has damage warranting an insurance claim, please call and schedule a consultation with our roofing specialists at 502-777-1844. We look forward to helping you through this troubling time.